Monday, September 30, 2013

New Program - TRAYN - Transitional Aged Youth Network

Gateways for Youth and Families created the TRAYN program to help youths who age out of the foster care system but are not prepared to care for themselves in the community. Youths in the TRAYN program can finish school, get a GED, and get assistance for the next step in the working world. Gateways for Youth and Families provides a working farm for the youths to gain skills while the youths decide what they would like to do for a living. Part of the responsibility for the youths in the program is to care for a community garden and raise crops for local farmer markets using the principles of permaculture and intensive organic agricultural technologies. The Transitional Aged Youth Network is another positive way that Gateways for Youth and Families provides continued support for shaping the lives of youths. For more information on the TRAYN program and other programs Gateways offers please visit the official website at

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